58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Deregistration of party
  • Loss of nomination of candidate
  • Suspension of political party

"Section 12

(b) The Commission shall cancel the registration of the party from being a political party that is involved with certain fact contained in Sub-section (a) and also disband the said party.

Section 24

(c) The Commission may suspend the political party registration of such party up to three years, if the party fails to comply strictly with the directive under the Sub-section (a) or Sub-section (b).

(d) In case of suspension of political party registration under the Sub-section (c), the said party shall suspend all the ongoing works of the party except the ones directed by the Commission, during the suspension.

(e) In case of failure to comply with the directive till the end of the suspension period under the Sub-section (c), the Commission shall revoke the political party registration of the party, and shall also disband the party."

Source: Section 12 (b), Section 24 (c) (d) (e), Political Parties Registration Law, 2010

"Section 57

Whoever is found guilty of violence, threat, undue influence, cheating, taking or giving of bribes to prevent a person from exercising the right of voting and the right to stand for election shall , on conviction be punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or with fine not exceeding one hundred thousand kyats or with both.

Section 58

Whoever is found guilty of or abetting one of the following acts shall, on conviction, be punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or with fine not exceeding one hundred thousand kyats or with both:

(a) giving and taking bribes by way of money, goods, foodstuff, position or service transfer or by using any other right in order to obtain the electoral right by unlawful means or as gratitude for obtaining such right;"

Source: Sections 57-58, Hluttaws Election Law, 2010

"Section 88

(c) Except for sub-article (a) and (b), when the commission declared in the gazette that the status of elected hluttaw representative is void according to Section 74 (b) or Section 75 (b), or when the commission disqualified candidate or representative following the decision of the election tribunal for failure to submit the election expenses report, or when the commission declared that an elected candidate can no longer be a hluttaw representative because he/she has been sentenced to prison for violating any existing law, shall no longer contest in the current term of the hluttaw elections of Pyithu, Amyotha or Region/State Hluttaw as candidate from the day the announcement was made."

Source: Section 88, Hluttaws Election Law (Third Amendment), 2016

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