58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Forfeiture
  • Loss of public funding
  • Suspension of public funding

Article 34 and 34(2), Organic Law of Georgia on Political Unions of Citizens, 1997.


According to the Georgian legislation, different types of sanctions that may be applied in case of offenses related to a political party or campaign finance. For example, if a political party fails to submit a financial disclosure statement to the State Audit Office on time, the State Audit Office shall warn a political party and request the rectification of the failure within 5 days. If a political party still fails to submit the financial disclosure statement within the specified 5 days to the State Audit Office, it shall forfeit the right to receive state funding for the following year (Article 34, Organic Law of Georgia on Political Unions of Citizens, 1997). Also, in Article 34(2) of Organic Law of Georgia on Political Unions of Citizens detailed list of fines is listed.

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