58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Loss of public funding
  • Deregistration of party
  • Suspension of political party
  • Suspension of public funding

Organic Law n° 10/2013 Governing Political Organizations and Politicians, 11 July 2013


Art 46 "Any political organization that does not submit its financial statements to the Office of the Ombudsman, shall face the following sanctions: 1° formal warning and summons to submit in a time limit period its books of accounts, otherwise the State grants allocated to the political organization shall be suspended until the submission of the books of accounts; 2° suspension of activities for a period of one (1) year if after the formal warning, for a second time such a political organization does not respect the date of September 30 of the financial year to abide by the requirements; 3° dissolution where after the sanctions mentioned in items 1° and 2° of this Article the concerned political organization has, for the third time, not respected the date of September 30 of the financial year to abide by the requirements."


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