58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Loss of public funding

In relation to parties -

"Whoever commits one of the following shall be liable to one year's imprisonment..."

Source: Article 9a, Parties Financing Law, 1973.

"If the State Comptroller finds that a party group or party has received a contribution contrary to that stated in this section, the party group shall, on the date set by the State Comptroller, transfer to the State Treasury an amount equal to twice the amount of the contribution; However, the State Comptroller may determine that the party or party must transfer to the State Treasury a smaller sum if it deems it appropriate to act accordingly, taking into account the circumstances of the case." 

Source: Article 8(e), Parties Financing Law, 1973.

"a) Within 16 weeks of the date on which the election results are published, the representatives of a party group or list of candidates shall submit to the State Comptroller their accounts for the election period. If they had not done so, and the State Comptroller shall inform the Chairman of the Knesset that, in his opinion, there was no reasonable justification for their failure, the Chairman of the Knesset shall order that no payment under this Law be paid to that group or list of candidates until the State Comptroller announces that he has been presented with accounts and that the faction or list of candidates...; If the State Comptroller announces that he has been presented with accounts after the Chairman of the Knesset has given such a directive, the payment to the party or to the list of candidates shall be paid... less an amount to be recommended by the State Comptroller not to exceed 15% of the payment due to it."

Source: Article 10(a), Parties Financing Law, 1973.

In relaion to candidates - 

"If the State Comptroller finds that a candidate has made one of these, the candidate shall, within thirty days from the date on which the State Comptroller has notified him, transfer to the State Treasury the following amount, as the case may be:"

Source: Article 28y1(a), Parties Law, 1992.

"A person who commits one of the following shall be liable to imprisonment for six months or a fine as stated in section 61(a)(2) of the Penal Law."

Source: Article 24a(i), Parties Law, 1992.

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