58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?

Russian Federation

Russian Federation

Loss of nomination of candidate

Art. 98 - "3. In case of violation by a political party or a candidate of this Federal Law, the Central Election Commission, the district election commission, within its competence shall be entitled to issue are warning to that political party, candidate, which shall be made known to the voters through the mass media or otherwise."

Source: Articles 98 (3), Federal Law on Elections of Deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2014

Art. 99 - "10. Registration of a federal list of candidates nominated by a political party may be cancelled by the Supreme Court upon application of the Central Election Commission or another political party whose federal list of candidates was registered, no later than five days before the voting day in the following cases:

1) newly discovered circumstances that constitute grounds for refusal to register a federal list of candidates according to paragraphs 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13 or 14 of part 3 of Article 50 of this Federal Law. Circumstances shall be considered newly discovered if they existed at the time the decision to register the federal list of candidates was made, but were not and could not be known to the Central Election Commission;

2) repeated use by the head of the political party of the advantages of his office or official position;

3) established fact of bribery of voters by the political party, its proxy, authorized representative, including on financial issues, as well as any other person or organization acting on their behalf;

4) use by a political party, its authorized representative on financial issues, in order to achieve a certain election results, in addition to the funds from its electoral fund also electoral funds of its regional offices (if there are such electoral funds), other funds amounting to more than 5 per cent of the limit of total expenditures from the electoral fund of a political party established by this Federal Law;

5) exceeding by the political party, its authorized representative on financial issues, of expenditures from the electoral fund by more than 5 per cent of the limit of total expenditures from the electoral fund of a political party established by this Federal Law;"

Source: Articles 99 (10), Federal Law on Elections of Deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2014

Art. 76 - "5. Registration of a candidate (list of candidates) may be canceled by a court on the basis of application of an election commission that registered a candidate (list of candidates), a candidate that is registered for the same electoral district, an electoral association, an electoral bloc whose list is registered in the same constituency, in cases:

b) in order to achieve a definite result at the election a candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc, or their authorized representatives used financial resources other than those of his own electoral fund in an amount exceeding 5 percent the maximum limit of all expenditure out of electoral fund established by the law or in the event such expenditure out of electoral fund exceeded the maximum limit established by the law, by more than 5 percent;

c) candidates, heads of electoral associations, electoral blocs took advantage of their official position;

d) it has been established that voters were bribed by candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, their proxies and authorized representatives, other persons and organizations acting on behalf of candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, their proxies and authorized representatives;"

Source: Article 76 (5), Federal law on “Basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum”, 2002

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