58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Suspension of political party

Section 21
Non-compliance with rules governing organized accounting systems
(1) A political party with no organized accounting system shall be made to pay a penalty from US$ 1,500 (one thousand five hundred US dollars) to US$15,000 (fifteen thousand US dollars). 
(2) A political party with an organized accounting system but which does not comply with the formalities set out by Section 3(2), Sections 5-10, and Section 12 shall be made to pay a penalty from US$1,500 (one thousand five hundred US dollars) to US$5,000 (five thousand US dollars). 
Section 22
Failure to submit financial reports
A political party that does not submit its financial reports or that, after having been notified to revise such reports, does not comply within the established deadline shall be made to pay a penalty up to US$2,000 (two thousand US dollars) and shall cumulatively forfeit its right to future grants from the State.
Section 23
Illegal revenue-raising
Leaders of political parties, individuals and managers of corporations who get personally involved in raising revenue for the benefit of a political party in contravention of the provisions of this law shall be sentenced to imprisonment from 6 months to 2 years or made to pay a penalty from US$500 (five hundred US dollars) to US$5,000 (five thousand US dollars).
Section 24
Failure to comply with other obligations
A person who does not comply with any other obligation provided for in this law shall, in the absence of applicable legal provisions, be sentenced to up to 1-year imprisonment or be made to pay a penalty up to US$500 (five hundred US dollars).
Source: SectionS 21-24, Legal Regime for the financing of political parties, 2008

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