58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Loss of public funding

(2.1) If a political party that receives allocations from the state budget or a person who ran in the list of the political party has not transferred a donation to the state budget in any of the manners specified in subsections 12.4(1)–(3) of this Act or returned it to the donator, the government agency appointed on the basis of subsection 12.7(4) of this Act will reduce the support paid on the basis of subsections of 12.7(1) and (2) of this Act to the extent of the triple of the donation amount specified in the precept, but no more than to the extent of 20 per cent of the support.
Source: § 12.11(2.1), Political Parties Act, 1994 (amended 2014)

In the event of failure to comply with a precept specified in clauses 1211(1) 1)-3), 5) and 6) of this Act, the political party funding supervision committee may impose a coercive payment of up to 15 000 euros in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Substitutive Enforcement and Coercive Payments Act.
Source: § 12.12(1), Political Parties Act, 1994 (amended 2014)


Possible loss of public funding can be reduced no more than to the extent of 20 per cent of the support.

Numerous fines are set out in the §§ 12.12 and 12.14-12.19. Articles 12.14 -12.19 regulates such cases as:
Failure to inform of current account of political party;
Failure to inform of current account of election coalition or single candidate;
Failure to inform of affiliated organisation of political party;
Failure to perform reporting obligation;
Making and accepting prohibited donations; 
Provision of false information and incorrect information.

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