58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?

São Tomé and Príncipe

São Tomé and Príncipe

  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Forfeiture
  • Suspension of political party

Law No. 09/04 on Financing of Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns


Article 28 - 30, Article 28. (Without prejudice to the civil or criminal liability to which the law is binding, those who violate the rules concerning the financing of parties and the electoral campaigns provided for in chapters II and III shall be subject to the sanctions provided for in the following paragraphs and articles. 2 - The leaders of political parties, natural persons and administrators of legal persons who personally participate in the attribution, Prohibited funds are punished with imprisonment from 1 to 5 years. 3 - Financial officers, candidates for presidential elections or the first proponents of groups of voters who, the limits laid down in Article 20 are observed by the Member States in the field of elections; or who obtain for the election campaign prohibited revenues or for forms other than those provided for in the present law, shall be punished with a term of imprisonment of one to five years. 4 - The same penalties shall be paid to the leaders of political parties, and the administrators of legal persons who personally participate in the infractions foreseen in the previous number.5 - The criminal procedure depends on the entity's complaint under article 24.? made to the Public Ministry. Article 29. (Failure to fulfill the obligations imposed on the financing of political parties) 1. Political parties that do not comply with the obligations imposed in the cap Section II shall be punished with a minimum fine of up to 200 national minimum monthly salaries in the amount of 500 monthly minimum national salaries, in addition to the loss in favor of the State of the values The officers of political parties who personally participate in the infringement provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be punished with a minimum fine of up to 25 minimum monthly national salaries in the amount of 250 monthly minimum national salaries.3 - Natural persons who violate Articles 4 and 5.? are subject to a minimum fine of up to 25 national minimum monthly salaries of up to 250 national minimum monthly salaries.4 - Legal persons who violate the provisions of the chapter II, with a minimum fine equivalent to twice the amount of the donation, which is equal to the amount of that amount.5 - The administrators of legal persons who personally participate in the infraction referred to in the previous paragraph are punished with a fine of up to 25 national minimum monthly salaries of up to 250 national minimum monthly salaries. 6 - Failure to submit the accounts within the period provided for in Article 87 ? (1) of Article 26. It determines the suspension of the payment of the state subsidy to which the party is entitled, ? date of said presentation.Article 30.? (Perception of revenue or illicit expenses) 1 - Political parties and groups of citizens and candidates for President of the Republic that obtain income for the electoral campaign for forms not consented by the present law or do not observe the limits foreseen in article 20 and are punished with a minimum fine of 200 minimum monthly salaries nationals in " and the loss to the State of amounts illegally received.2 - Natural persons who violate the provisions of Article 16. shall be punished with a minimum fine of 20 national minimum monthly salaries and a maximum of 100 national minimum monthly salaries.3 - Legal persons who violate the provisions of Article 16. shall be punished with a minimum fine equivalent to three times the amount of the donation forbidden at a rate equal to the maximum of four times that amount.4 - The administrators of legal persons who personally participate in the breach referred to in the previous paragraph punished with a fine of 50 national minimum salaries of up to 250 national minimum monthly salaries.

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