58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Loss of elected office
  • Other

 "The election of a candidate shall only be invalidated if the Commission is satisfied of any of the following circumstances:

(a) non compliance by the candidate with the provisions of this Act relating to theelections, in a manner that may affect the results of the elections.

(b) that the elected person is different from the one who won the election,

(c) that the candidate has, personally or through any other person with her/hisknowledge and consent, committed any corrupt practice or any other offenceunder this Act.'Art 102, 'Whoever contravenes the provisions of sections 87 to 101 inclusive shall, onconviction by the competent court, be punished with imprisonment for a term notless than six months and not more than two years or with fine to be determined bythe competent court or with both."

Art. 83, Electoral Law 2008


Various campaign finance violations can lead to a fine or imprisonment. In some circumstances electoral offences can lead to election of candidate being declared void. For violations of rules in the Political Parties Act the Political Parties Affairs Council regulates sanctions.

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