58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?

Iran, Islamic Republic of

Iran, Islamic Republic of

  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Deregistration of party
  • Loss of political rights
  • Loss of elected office
  • Other

Electoral Law for Parliamentary Elections, Articles 57 thorugh 66 and 75 through 88; Law on the Activities of Political Parties and Groups, Art. 17, Note.


In a broader scope, including the violations of Articles 57 through 66 of Electoral Law of Parliamentary Elections, a range of sanctions shall be applicable varying from fine cash fines, 30 day jail or fines determined by the Islamic Penal Code (Articles 75 through 88 of the Law). According to Law on Activities of Political Parties and Groups, if a political party violates Art. 18 dealing with commercial activity shall be subject to a series of sanctions varying from verbal warning to Seizure of activity license and request for dissolution from the court (Art. 19)         

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