52. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates reveal the identity of donors?




Article 34:


4. Only the funds that have been received in a legal way can be transferred to the election funds. Within ten days after publication of the election results the information about the total sum of the money transferred to the fund and about its sources shall be published in mass media by:
      the Central Election Commission - at elections of the President, deputies to Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan to be elected on the basis of party lists;
      the oblasts (the city of the republican status and the capital) election commissions - at election of deputies to the Senate of the Parliament;
      the district election commissions - at election of Maslikhat deputies.

 (Constitutional Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan, On Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1995 available at https://www.election.gov.kz/rus/normativno-pravovaya-baza-vyborov/zakon-respubliki-kazakhstan/zakon-o-vyborakh-v-respublike-kazakhstan.php  accessed January 2018).

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