52. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates reveal the identity of donors?




Art. 44CC, (1): 'Every political party setting up any candidate for election shall maintain proper account of all its income and expenditure for the period from the date of publication of notification under clause (1) of Article 11 till the completion of elections in all the constituencies in which it has set up candidates and such account shall show clearly the amount received by it as donation above 14[taka five thousand] from any candidate or any person seeking nomination or from any other person or source giving their names and addresses and the amount received from each of them and the mode of receipt.'

Art. 44C, (1) (e): 'a statement of all sums received from any sources, together with evidence of such receipts, for the purpose of election expenses, specifying the name of every such source.'

Source: Representation of the People Order (Amendment) Act, 2009.



Candidates: every source should be named. Political parties: only of those donating more than TK 5,000.

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