39. Are there limits on the amount a political party can spend?

II. State funding of political parties
Article 7. State funding of the statutory activities of political parties
The political party has the right to receive state funds to finance its statutory activities if, following the results of the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter - the Legislative Chamber), it has received the necessary number of seats for the formation of a political party faction in the Legislative Chamber in accordance with the Constitutional Law Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan".
The annual amount of allocated state funds for financing the statutory activity of political parties is formed from the calculation of two percent of the minimum wage set for on January 1 of the year preceding the year of allocation of these funds, multiplied by the number of citizens included in the voters lists in the latest elections to the Legislative Chamber.
The state funds specified in part two of this article on the basis of the results of the latest elections to the Legislative Chamber determined by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan are distributed by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan between political parties entitled to receive them in proportion to the number of seats they receive in the Legislative Chamber according to the order determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Article 8. State funding for the participation of political parties in elections to the Legislative Chamber and other representative bodies of state power
Financing of the participation of political parties in elections to the Legislative Chamber and other representative bodies of state power is carried out in accordance with the established procedure only at the expense of public funds allocated for these purposes. Financing and other material support of political parties in elections at the expense of other means is prohibited.
The amount of state funds allocated to finance the participation of political parties in elections to the Legislative Chamber, per one candidate for deputies, is determined by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
State funds allocated to finance the participation of political parties in elections to the Legislative Chamber should be spent by the political party on:
publication of means of electoral visual campaigning;
the organization of speeches for candidates for deputies of the Legislative Chamber on television, radio broadcasting and in other mass media;
the organization of meetings of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Chamber with voters;
the organization of work of proxies of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Chamber and other assets involved in election campaigning directly in the constituency;
all-party events for the conduct of the election campaign.
If, following the results of the elections to the Legislative Chamber, the political party has not received the necessary number of seats for the formation of a faction, then the state funds allocated for financing the participation of a political party in elections to the Legislative Chamber are subject to be returned to the state budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the expense of the funds of this political party from other sources.
(Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Financing of Political Parties, 2004 available at http://www.lex.uz/pages/getpage.aspx?lact_id=168377 accessed January 2018).