39. Are there limits on the amount a political party can spend?

Article 34.
1. Pre-election campaigns of candidates at elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and elections of deputies of Parliament and Maslikhats can be funded from the election funds formed in compliance with the procedure established by this Constitutional Law.
2. The election funds shall be subject to the state registration in the order established by the legislation.
3. The election funds shall be formed from the following sources:
1) personal means of candidates, funds of political parties;
2) means allocated to the candidate by the republican public association that has nominated the candidate;
3) voluntary donations of citizens and organizations of the Republic. The voluntary donations of the state bodies and organizations, local self-government bodies, charitable organizations, religious associations, legal entities of Kazakhstan having foreign stock in their charter capital as well as anonymous donations of physical persons and legal entities shall be forbidden.
(Constitutional Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan, On Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1995 available at https://www.election.gov.kz/rus/normativno-pravovaya-baza-vyborov/zakon-respubliki-kazakhstan/zakon-o-vyborakh-v-respublike-kazakhstan.php accessed January 2018).