39. Are there limits on the amount a political party can spend?

Bosnia and Herzegovina
"(1) The Central Election Commission of BiH shall announce the number of voters for each constituency within seven days of the day of completion of the Central Voters Register. The number of voters shall serve as a basis to determine a maximum amount that a political entity shall be allowed to spend for financing the election campaign (2) The maximum amount allowed to be spent for financing the election campaign shall represent a result of the multiplication of the number of voters in all constituencies in which the political entity referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article has a list of candidates by: 1. 0.30 KM ……………………… for the elections of Head of Municipality/City Mayor and members of the Municipal Council/Assembly 2. 0.20 KM ……………………….. for the elections of members of Cantonal Assemblies 3. 0.30 KM ……………………….….. for the elections of members of the RS National Assembly and the House of Representatives of the Federation Parliament 4. 0.30 KM …………………………….. for the elections of members of the Parliamentary Assembly of BIH 5. 0.30 KM ………………………………. for the elections of members of the Presidency of BiH 6. 0.30 KM ………………………………… for the elections of President and Vice-President of the Republika Srpska. (3) For the elections referred to in paragraph (2), item 1 of this Article, in the municipalities with less than 3,000 voters recorded in the Central Voter Register, it shall be considered that 3,000 voters are registered. (4) If the elections are repeated in a constituency, or in the Polling Station, the costs of the election campaign per voter can increase by up to 30% of the costs of the elections annulled in the electoral unit or the polling."
Source: Aricle 15.10, BiH Election Law 2001, consolidated version (with 2016 amendments)