38. Is there a ban on vote buying?

Article 3. Principles of the Conduct of Elections and Referenda
7. Voting at elections and referenda (hereinafter – voting) shall be secret. Control over the expression of the will of voters shall not be permitted.
Article 92.
Liability for Violation of Voting Rights of Citizens According to the laws of Turkmenistan, liability for violation of the voting rights of citizens shall be imposed on persons who:
1) obstruct by means of violence, deceit, threats, forgery or in any other way free exercise by citizens of Turkmenistan of their right to elect and be elected or violate the secrecy of voting, the rights of citizens to familiarize themselves with the voter lists, or who bribe voters;
2) abuse their official or employment position or violate the rules for funding elections, a referendum including persons who detain the transfer of funds to election commissions, or those who issue voting papers to citizens for the purposes of voting for somebody else, or those having forged electoral documents, who knowingly drew up and issued forged documents, conducted incorrect vote counting, or knowingly established incorrect voting results and an incorrect elections’, referendum’s outcome, as well as those who failed to present or publish information on the voting results or an elections’, referendum’s outcome in violation of their responsibilities;
3) spread deliberately false information on candidates or commit other actions damaging the honor and dignity of candidates, their close relatives and persons authorized by candidates or violating the rights of voters, candidates, persons authorized by candidates, initiative groups of referendum, members of election commissions, observers, representatives of the mass media;
4) obstruct the exercise of the voting rights at the polling stations or violate the rules of election campaigning, including those who campaign on election, a referendum day or impede or interfere illegally in the work of election commissions connected with the performance of their obligations, or who illegally took out voting papers from the voting premises.
(Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, 2013, available at http://www.legislationline.org/download/action/download/id/5097/file/Turkmenistan_law_approval_Electoral%20Code_2013_en.pdf accessed January 2018).