34. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for candidates?

Micronesia, Federated States of

Micronesia, Federated States of


 (1) If any broadcast or print media, either public or private, permits a candidate in a National Election, or his or her supporters, to use its facilities or publications, it shall afford access on an equal basis to all opposing candidates, or their supporters, without censorship. No obligation is imposed under this section upon any broadcast or print media to allow the use of its facilities or publications by any candidate in a National Election. Appearance by, or mention of, a candidate in any bona fide news story or interview shall not be deemed to be use of a broadcast facility or publication within the meaning of this section.

(2) All broadcast and print media carrying campaign advertisements shall clearly identify each campaign advertisement and shall indicate the candidate, or supporters of the candidate, responsible for the advertisement.

(3) No broadcast or print media shall permit use of its facilities or publications by any candidate in a National Election, or his or her supporters, on Election Day.

Source: Article 109, Title 9, Revised Code of the Federated States of Micronesia 2014,


Candidates have equal access to broadcast and print media but there is no requirement for free or subsidized access to media

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