34. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for candidates?






The Election Code provides the right to free airtime on state TV and radio, not less than an hour a day in total, divided between the candidates on an equal basis over the course of the campaign, however, it does not provide for the obligation of the media to report objectively. The provision of a third of the volume of free airtime to ‘joint discussions, round table meetings and similar campaign events’ was not implemented. The Code obliges state print media to publish material provided by candidates free of charge and on an equal basis, which was broadly respected.

(OSCE/ODIHR Election Assessment Mission Final Report, Parliamentary Elections, 15 December 2013, Turkmenistan, available at http://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/116011?download=true accessed January 2018).

Article 64. Conduct of Election Campaigning on TV and Radio

1. Candidates, initiative groups of referendum shall have the right to free broadcasting time on state TV and radio channels. The indicated broadcasting time shall be from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. except for the time assigned for official information programmes.

2. The total volume of free broadcasting time shall be no less than one hour. The specified free broadcasting time shall be distributed among candidates on an equal basis. Candidates may not use free broadcasting time to campaign for other candidates.

3. No less than one third of the total volume of free broadcasting time shall be allocated for candidates to conduct joint discussions, “round table” meetings and other similar campaigning events. In joint campaigning events on TV or radio channels, candidates may participate only personally. A refusal to participate in a joint campaigning event shall not entail additional free broadcasting time for the candidate who refused to participate in such an event. If a candidate could not participate in a joint campaigning event due to valid reasons, he/she along with other candidates who did not participate in a joint campaigning event may use the broadcasting time they are entitled to.

(Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, 2013, available at http://www.legislationline.org/download/action/download/id/5097/file/Turkmenistan_law_approval_Electoral%20Code_2013_en.pdf  accessed January 2018).

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