15. Is there a ban on state resources being given to or received by political parties or candidates (excluding regulated public funding)?




Art. 24 (4) - "Donations shall not be allowed from:  ... (2) state and community budgets and/or extra-budgetary funds, except for financing made pursuant to Article 27 of this Law; (3) state and community non-commercial organisations, and commercial organisations with state and community participation";

Source: Article 24 (4), The Law of the Republic of Armenia on Parties, 2016 (in force since April 1,2017)

Art. 23 - "1. Candidates who are public servants, candidates included in the candidate list of the political party running in the elections shall carry out the election campaign taking into account the following restrictions: (1) direct or indirect appeals to vote for or against a candidate, a political party running in the elections while performing official powers or any abuse of the official position to gain advantage during elections shall be prohibited; (2) use of premises, means of transport and communication, material and human resources provided for performing official responsibilities for election campaign purposes shall be prohibited, 18 except for security measures applicable in respect of high-ranking officials subject to state protection under the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On ensuring the safety of persons subject to special state protection”.

2. Where coverage of other activities of a candidate referred to in this Article, who is included in the candidate list of the political parties running in the elections is carried out, the mass media carrying out terrestrial on-air broadcasting shall consider this when covering the activities of other candidates, political parties running in the elections, in order to comply with the non-discriminatory principle of equality of coverage prescribed by Article 20 of this Code."

Source: Article 23 (1) and (2), Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia, 2016

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