Legal provisions for recall at national level




Political Constitution of Panama(Constitución Política de la República de Panam?)




Article 151

Political partiesmay terminate the mandate of principal or alternate Assembly members they have nominatedunder the following conditions and formalities:

1 The reasons forthe termination of the mandate and the applicable procedure must have been established in theparty by-laws;

2 The reasons mustrefer to grave violations of the by-laws and of the ideological, political or general platformof the party, and must have been approved by means of a written resolution

issued by theElectoral Tribunal prior to the date of nomination;

3 The sentencingof the principal or alternate member for premeditated offense to five years or more in prison byenforceable decision of a court of law is also a cause for termination of the

mandate; 4 The personconcerned shall have the right to be heard by his/her Party and defend himself/herself intwo different instances;

5 The Party'sdecision to terminate the mandate shall be subject to an appeal which can onlybe heard by theElectoral Tribunal and which shall have suspending effect;

6 For theapplication of the termination procedure, the parties may establishconsultation mechanism withvoters in the respective constituency prior to initiating the process.

Political partiesmay also, by summary procedure, terminate the mandate of principal andalternate members who have left their party.

The constituencyvoters may request the Electoral Tribunal to terminate the mandate ofindependent principal and alternate members they have elected, provided theyfulfill the requirements and formalities established by law.

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