56. Which institution(s) is responsible for examining financial reports and/or investigating violations?



  • EMB
  • Auditing agency

"5. The Oversight and Audit Service shall — within 7 days after receiving the declarations on the use of means available in campaign funds of candidates, political parties running in the elections, but no later than 1 day before the deadline prescribed for summarisation of election results — carry out inspection, draw up a conclusion on inspection results and submit it to the CEC. The CEC shall be obliged to immediately publish it on the website of the CEC. In case violations are recorded in the conclusion, the CEC shall be obliged to examine them."

Source: Article 29 (5), Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia, 2016


"The Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Armenia shall examine the cases on administrative offenses set forth in Articles 189.13, 189.14 and 189.15 of this Code."

Source: Article 223.2, Code on Administrative Crimes, 1985




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