29. What are the eligibility criteria for political parties to receive public funding?



  • Representation in elected body
  • Share of votes in previous election

Chapter II, Article 2, Loi portant Réglementation du Financement des Partis Politiques,2007, amended 2011

The political parties that presented a full list in the four constituencies during the legislative elections and a full list in the unique national constituency during European elections and obtained at least two percent from the total votes both in the four constituencies for national  elections  as  a  national  average  and  in  the  unique  national  constituency  for European elections are  entitled,  apart  from  the  contribution  that  they  have  been  allocated  in  enforcing Chapter IX of the law amended on February 18, 2003, amended 2011, to an annual contribution from the state budget


Parties must present a full list of candidates and gain at least 2% of the vote.

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