Legal provisions for direct democracy at the local level



  • Optional referendum
  • Citizens' initiative

Armenia, Constitution 2015, accessed 5 September 2022

Article 183. Direct Participation in the Administration of Community Affairs

1. Residents of a community may directly participate in the administration of community affairs, by resolving public issues of community importance through a local referendum.

2. The procedure for holding a local referendum, as well as other ways of direct participation of residents of a community in the administration of community affairs shall be prescribed by law.

Armenia, Law on Local Referendum (28-06-2018, last amended on 07-05-2021) [in Armenian], accessed 5 September 2022

Article 6. Subjects of the initiative to hold a local referendum

 1. The persons entitled to participate in the local referendum in the given community, at least one-third of the total number of councilors of the given community and the head of the community have the right to initiate a local referendum.

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