57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations?

Russian Federation

Russian Federation

Refer for investigation Request additional information from others

Art. 25 - "5. Election commissions shall be entitled to solicit the law enforcement bodies to carry out an investigation and to stop a breach of this Federal Law, other federal laws in regard to the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the State Duma. The law enforcement bodies shall be obliged to undertake measures set forth by the law to stop the breach of law within five days, or no later than on the day preceding the voting day, if the solicitation was submitted five or fewer days before the voting day, or immediately, if the solicitation was submitted on the voting day or on the day preceding the voting day. In the event such solicitation should require an additional investigation the abovementioned measures should be undertaken within ten days. The law enforcement bodies shall immediately inform the election commission which solicited inquiry t on the results of the investigation and on the measures undertaken."

Art. 98 - "3. In case of violation by a political party or a candidate of this Federal Law, the Central Election Commission, the district election commission, within its competence shall be entitled to issue a warning to that political party, candidate, which shall be made known to the voters through the mass media or otherwise."

Source: Articles 25 (5) and 98 (3), Federal Law on Elections of Deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2014

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