44. Are there limits on traditional media advertising spending in relation to election campaigns?



Yes, for political parties Yes, for candidates

"The total airtime for political advertisements during the entire election campaign on each private radio and television station may not exceed 90 minutes for each party registered in elections. In any case, radio and television broadcasters apply
the same fees for the same time slot throughout the campaign. Five days before the beginning of the electoral campaign, the radio and television broadcasters shall submit the fees for each time slot to the CEC. The fees are published on the official website of the CEC.
6. For elections to the Assembly, private national and satellite radios and televisions that accept paid advertisements in accordance with this article are obliged to make available to the electoral subjects, free of charge, half of the total airtime for advertisement provided for in point 5 of this article. The cost for making the free airtime available to the electoral subjects by private radio and televisions is calculated as a deductible expense for taxation purposes. The CEC, the NCRT and the Minister of Finance are responsible for issuing the respective instructions.
7. Political advertisements of electoral subjects are broadcast from 1500 to 1800 and from 2100 to 2400 of the daily programme.
8. Advertisements for candidates for mayors of local government units are included in the time of the political subject they represent.
9. Private radios and televisions make available extra airtime for the advertisements of non-parliamentary parties and candidates proposed by the voters, in addition to the airtime applied according to point 5 of this article. The airtime for the advertisements of each non-parliamentary party and candidates proposed by voters shall not exceed 10 minutes for the entire electoral campaign. For non-parliamentary parties and candidates proposed by the voters, the same rates as for parliamentary parties as well as the same criteria for the free time in accordance with point 6 of this article shall be applied".   Article 84, The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania, 2015. 

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