If electoral register is created by the EMB, which method is used?



A continuous register (voter data is continuously collected and updated between electoral events)

Tunisia, Basic Law No. 2014-16 of May 26, 2014, related to elections and referendum [an updated version of Organic Law No. 2014-16 of May 26, 2014 related to elections and referendum pursuant to Decree No. 2022-55 of September 15, 2022]; accessed 1 January 2023

Article 7 (new) - Revised by Decree No. 2022-34 of June 1, 2022 - The Higher Independent Authority for Elections maintains the register of voters and takes over its control as of its most recent update. Demarcation in the voter register is done voluntarily or automatically. The consort, ascendants and descendants may be registered in accordance with procedures set by the Authority. [...]

The Authority can undertake the automatic registration of all unregistered voters and distribute them to the polling centers closest to their residence in their constituencies. […]

IFES, Election FAQs: Tunisia Parliamentary Elections, December 17, 2022; accessed 1 January 2023

“Voter registration methods changed in 2022. Before the constitutional referendum of July 25, 2022, only voluntary in-person registration was possible. Now, the Electoral Law allows the High Independent Authority for Elections (ISIE) to proceed with automatic registration* of voters, in addition to voluntary registration. For these elections, the ISIE updated the lists of voters established for the constitutional referendum using this mixed registration method.”

[*Automatic registration is based on the database of national identity cards.]

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