What remedies are available in the last instance?



  • Annulment of results / Cancellation of elections
  • Re-run the election

Article 74. 14. In cases of disputes related to theresults of the elections the Constitutional

Courtshall rule one of the following decisions:

1) Leave unchanged thedecision of the electoral commission;

2) Annul the decision of theelectoral commissions and:

a) declare invalid theresults of the elections;

b) determine as elected therelevant candidate or the corresponding number of candidates from the electorallist of a political party (union);

c) declare the elections asnon-carried-out;

d) appoint a second round.

15. Ifin the process of the case review, after exhausting all the means prescribed bythis Law for acquiring evidences, the Constitutional Court, nevertheless, couldnot find out the real results of the elections, it may decide to annul the results of the electionsif the proved electoral violations make obvious for the Court that they hadorganized nature, took place repeatedly, continually and on massive scale, andif the combined analyses proves such a systematic interrelation of thoseviolations that the principles of electoral rights prescribed in Article 4 ofthe Constitution were infringed.

The Lawof the Republic of Armenia on the Constitutional Court (2006)

Source: http://www.concourt.am/english/law_cc/index.htm

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