What remedies are available in the first instance?



  • Total recount of results
  • Partial recount of results
  • Annulment of results / Cancellation of elections
  • Re-run the election

Article 46. 10. If, as a result of reviewingthe appeal or application, the territorial electoral commission concludes that,during the voting, there have been such violations of the requirements of thisCode, which could have materially affected the voting results, and if it isimpossible to determine the real results of the voting, and the violation isnot expressed in the inaccuracies, then the territorial electoral commission shall declare as invalid thevoting results in the electoral precinct concerned. In such case, thematerials shall be sent to the prosecution office.

Article 48. 1. A candidate or proxy who waspresent in the process of summarizing the voting results in the electoralprecinct, or a precinct electoral commission member who recorded his specialopinion on the procedure by which the voting results were summarized in theprotocol of the voting results in the electoral precinct, shall have the right, inthe procedure and time periods prescribed by this Code, to appeal the voting results in theelectoral precinct concerned by means of filing with the territorial electoralcommission an applicationfor recounting the voting results in the electoral precinct (hereinafter“a recount”).

Article 125. 9. Where, in the course ofvoting, such violations of this Code have occurred that could have affected theelection results, the Central Electoral Commission shall take a decision on conducting a revotein certain electoral precincts, if the consequences of such violations can beremedied in such way. If it is not possible to remedy such violations in suchway, the National Assemblyelections under the proportional electoral system shall be declared as invalid,and a revote for the National Assembly elections under the proportionalelectoral system shall be called.

10. Where, in the course of preparation ofelections or in the course of conducting a revote in certain electoralprecincts, such violations of this Code have occurred that could have affectedthe election results, the Central Electoral Commission shall take a decision on declaring as invalid theNational Assembly elections under the proportional electoral system, and shallcall a revote for the National Assembly elections under the proportionalelectoral system.

Article 126. 5. Where, in the course of thevoting, such violations of this Code have occurred that could have affected theelections results, the territorial electoral commission shall adopt a decision on conducting a revote incertain electoral precincts, if the consequences of such violations canbe remedied in such way. If it is not possible to remedy such violations insuch way, the electionsshall be declared as invalid, and a revote shall be called.

6. Where, in the course of preparation ofelections or in the course of conducting a revote in certain electoralprecincts, such violations of this Code have occurred that could have affectedthe election results, the Central Electoral Commission shall take a decision on declaring as invalid theelections and shall call a revote.

Electoral Code ofArmenia (2011)

Source: http://res.elections.am/images/doc/_ecode.pdf

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