33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

- Equal
- Number of candidates
'French speaking media [...] From 1964 'tribunes' of eight minutes allocated proportionally according to number of seats in Conseil Culurel [...] Dutch speaking media: since 1979 groups represented by 10 members of the nederlandse Culturaad can create an organization entitled to make programmes. Time allocated equally for 50% and proportionally for 50%-' (p. 101) (Source: Bruce E. Cain, Russell J. Dalton, Susan E. Scarrow (2003) Democracy transformed: expanding political opportunities in advanced industrial democracies, Oxford University Press, Oxford)
P 17, 'The public service broadcaster RTBF adopted a detailed election plan which foresaw the allocation of free airtime to political parties on the basis of their parliamentaryrepresentation; parties with no parliamentary representation were given some limitedaccess on the basis of the number of candidacies filed. For the coverage of candidates in news and debates, the RTBF decided that it should be proportional to the representation of parties in the Parliament of the French Community' (Source: OSCE/ODIHR (2007) Belgium, Federal Election 10 June 2007, OSCE/ODIHR Needs Assessment Mission Report)