What types of sanctions can be imposed for campaign finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Cancellation of candidate / party registration for election
  • Forfeiture

ElectoralCode of Armenia (2011)

Source: http://res.elections.am/images/doc/_ecode.pdf

Article 25. Formation of thePre-Election Fund


5. The Central Electoral Commission shalldefine the procedure of recording contributions made to and expenditures madefrom pre-election funds.

6. The maximum limits of contributions made to pre-election fundsshall be prescribed by this Code. Amounts exceeding the maximum limits ofcontributions prescribed by this Code, which were made to pre-election funds,shall be transferred to the state budget.

Article 26. Use of Resources ofPre-Election Funds


3. If it is substantiated that theservices or goods delivered for the pre-election campaign are not included inthe expenditures of the pre-election fund at their market price, the CentralElectoral Commission shall render a decision to oblige a candidate, a politicalparty, or an alliance of political parties to transfer to the state budget anamount that is thrice the amount of expenditures not included in the fundexpenditures.

4. If it is substantiated that theexpenditures made for the pre-election campaign of a candidate, a politicalparty, or an alliance of political parties have exceeded the maximum limit ofthe pre-election fund prescribed by this Code, the electoral commission shallrender a decision to oblige the candidate, political party, or alliance ofpolitical parties to transfer to the state budget an amount that is thrice theamount by which the maximum limit of the pre-election fund prescribed underthis Code has been exceeded.

5. If the difference between the amountspent for the pre-election campaign and the amounts paid to the state budgetunder Parts 3 and 4 of this Article and the maximum limit of the pre-electionfund prescribed by this Code exceeds 10 percent of the maximum limit of thepre-election fund prescribed by this Code, the court shall, upon an applicationof the electoral commission, repeal the registration of the respectivecandidate or electoral list of the respective political party or politicalparty alliance.

6. In case of failure, within five days of rendering the decisionof the electoral commission, to transfer the amounts prescribed by this Articleto the state budget or to appeal the decision of the electoral commission byjudicial procedure, the electoral commission shall collect the mentioned amountby court procedure.

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