57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations?



Request additional information from potential violator Impose sanctions

Article 27. Control over compliance of activity of political parties, their organizational structures, unions with the legislation and their statutes

"Officials of the Ministry of Justice and appropriate departments of justice, within the limits of their powers, have the right to participate in events held for statutory purposes by political parties, their organizational structures, unions, to request and obtain information about issues of their statutory activity and about membership numbers of political parties, their organizational structures, composition of unions, to get acquainted with their documents and decisions."

Article 29. Measures of liability

"For violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, this Law, and other acts of legislation and (or) statute, the following measures of liability may be applied in respect of a political party, union: written caution; suspension of activity of political party, union; liquidation of political party, union."

Source: Articles 27 (indent 3) and 29 (indent 1), The Law of the Republic of Belarus on Political Parties, 1994 (Amended as of June 4, 2015)

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