45. Are there limits on online media advertising spending in relation to election campaigns?



Yes, for political parties Yes, for candidates

cf: p. 56 of Elections Canada Political Financing Handbook for Candidates and Official Agents and p. 63 of Elections Canada Political Financing Handbook for Candidates and Official Agents:

"Election messages communicated over the Internet are election advertising only if:  they meet the general criteria for election advertising (see Election advertising above), and  they have, or would normally have, a placement cost Any other messages communicated over the Internet are not election advertising. The official agent has to authorize any election advertising, and this authorization must be mentioned in or on the advertisement. Where the authorization statement cannot be included on the advertising message because of its size, this is acceptable if the statement is made immediately apparent to the viewer by following the link in the advertising message. For greater certainty, the following are not election advertising:  messages sent or posted for free on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook  messages sent by email or through other messaging services (including texts sent through a cellular or mobile network)  content posted on the candidate’s website (the ongoing costs of creating and maintaining a website are not placement costs) However, any associated costs are election expenses. If online content such as a video, website or Facebook page stays online during the election period, it has to be reported as an election expense. Alternatively, the campaign may remove all online content before the election period."

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