13. Is there a ban on donations from any other source?

Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Legal entities Religious organisations Charities Organisations in debt Other

(6) It is prohibited the financing, the provision of services free of charge or the material support in any form, direct and / or indirect, of political parties by:
a) citizens of the Republic of Moldova who have not reached the age of 18, citizens in respect of whom a measure of judicial protection is established in the form of guardianship;
c) foreign citizens, stateless persons, anonymous persons or those who donate on behalf of third parties;
d) public authorities, organizations, enterprises, public institutions, other legal entities financed from the public budget or which have state capital, except in cases where the provision of services or material support is expressly provided by law;
e) legal entities that, at the date of making the donation, have outstanding debts older

than 60 days to the state budget, to the state social insurance budget or to the compulsory health insurance fund;

e(1)) legal entities that, in the last 3 years, have concluded public procurement contracts

for works, goods or services within the meaning of Law no. 131/2015 on public procurement;
f) legal entities with foreign or mixed capital, legal entities from abroad;
g) other states and international organizations, including international political
h) non-commercial, trade union, charitable or religious organizations.
Source: Art. 26(6), Law on Political Parties, 2007 (amended 2020)

(3) It is prohibited the financing or material support in any form of the activity of political parties. initiative groups, electoral campaigns / electoral contestants by:
a) legal persons from abroad, including those with mixed capital, by other states or international organizations, including international political organizations;
b) citizens of the Republic of Moldova who have not reached the age of 18 and citizens in respect of whom a measure of judicial protection has been instituted in the form of guardianship;
d) public authorities, organizations, enterprises, public institutions, other legal entities financed from the public budget or which have state capital, except in cases where the provision of services or material support is expressly provided by law;
e) legal entities that, in the last three years before the beginning of the electoral period, have concluded public procurement contracts for works, goods or services within the meaning of Law no. 131/2015 on public procurement, as well as by legal entities with foreign or mixed capital;
f) anonymous persons or on behalf of third parties;
g) natural persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Moldova;
h) non-commercial, trade union, charitable or religious organizations.
Source: Art. 41(3), Electoral Code, 1997 (amended 2020)

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