Annual Review 2023
International IDEA

A message from the Secretary-General
Democracy faces critical challenges around the world, from polarization and authoritarianism to disinformation and climate change. What’s more, these issues are not unique to developing countries or to nascent democracies. They are problems common to all democracies, and they require collective solutions. In such a context, the unique mandate of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) to support sustainable democracy globally has become more important than ever.
For the past 28 years, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) has honored its mandate to promote and advance democracy worldwide.
This Annual Review highlights our global contributions as a think-and do-tank dedicated to researching, delivering comparative knowledge resources and supporting in the implementation of democratic practices that help everyone build and maintain inclusive and resilient democracies.
A world in which everyone lives in inclusive and resilient democracies.
International IDEA advances, promotes and protects sustainable democracy worldwide in consideration of human rights commitments through policy-relevant knowledge, capacity development, advocacy and the convening of dialogues.
To achieve its mission, and in pursuit of its vision, International IDEA has defined six workstreams to align with the challenges and opportunities of the democracy landscape and the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Electoral Processes, Constitution-Building Processes, Political Participation and Representation, Democracy Assessment, Climate Change and Democracy, and Digitalization and Democracy. The Institute mainstreams (a) gender and inclusion; (b) conflict sensitivity; and (c) environmental protection across all its work.
Learn about our strategic direction in our current democracy landscape.
Supporting democracy worldwide
How we work
International IDEA’s working modalities constitute a reinforcing loop of knowledge production, capacity development, advocacy and the convening of dialogues. International IDEA’s comparative knowledge and research inform its capacity development; these have policy influence and inform advocacy, and enable the convening of dialogues. In turn, capacity development in the field provides valuable lessons for knowledge production, policy influence and advocacy, enabling continuous learning within the Institute.

Supporting democracy worldwide
Our Impact
International IDEA in numbers
Top media mentions by country
2,416 (34%)
896 (13%)
644 (9.1%)
637 (9%)
276 (4%)
238 (3.3%)
173 (2.4%)
129 (1.8%)
90 (1.4%)
88 (1.3%)
85 (1.2%)
79 (1.1%)

Funding by theme
Member States and Donors’ contributions to the work of International IDEA are instrumental to advance our shared vision of achieving a more resilient and inclusive democracy for all. We are pleased to recognize our donors who have partnered with us for the delivery of key outcomes for democracy in 2023.
Top 10 core funders

Top 10 restricted funders