Sifisosami Dube
Sifisosami Dube
Sifisosami Dube is the Programme Officer based in Brussels for the Women and Youth in Democracy Initiative (WYDE), a joint programme with UN Women, Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU), United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) focused on shifting gender social norms, attitudes, and behaviors to enhance women’s participation and representation in political and public life through advocacy campaigns and multi-stakeholders’ efforts.
Prior to this role, Sifiso has been coordinating an International IDEA consortium of six partners in a Pan African Women in Political Participation Programme based in Kenya since 2020. Before joining International IDEA, Dube was the Head of Policy and Movement Building at Gender Links.
She has previously worked on gender mainstreaming work with local authorities as well as building a movement of gender equality networks across the Southern African Development Community. Dube has worked with CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation as a Gender and Diversity Officer, the Secretary General’s office as well as the coordinator for the Legitimacy, Accountability and Transparency Programme.
Dube has co-authored and co-edited the SADC Gender Protocol Barometer from 2014 to 2019. Dube holds a Masters Degree in Public and Development Management from University of Witwatersrand, a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from UNISA, an Executive Certificate in Gender Equality and an African Thought Leadership Diploma from the Thabo Mbeki African School of Public and International Affairs