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Former staff member

Sarah Polek

Former Associate Programme Officer

Polek’s work focused on democratic accountability: how it impacts citizens’ lives and can make a difference in communities that struggle with structural accountability. Additionally, Polek worked closely with International IDEA’s regional offices on the implementation of the State of Democracy assessments. She also worked on addressing the crisis of representation and the widening gap between political representatives and citizens, with a special emphasis on youth engagement.

Polek’s previous work includes experiences with UNDP Myanmar, non-governmental development and peace-building organisations in Uganda and Europe and the German Parliament. Her particular interest lies at the intersection of democratic values and principles with socio-economic development and forced migration.

Development Cooperation, Democratic Accountability and Political Parties
MA in Democracy Studies (Uppsala University, Sweden) and (BA) in Political Science with a minor in International Law (Philipps University, Germany).
English, German
Stockholm, Sweden
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