Sami Abdelhalim Saeed
Sami Abdelhalim Saeed
Dr Sami Abdelhalim Saeed was the Head of the International IDEA Programme for Sudan.
in his previous positions at the United Nations as a legal advisor in the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General SRSG (from 2006 – 2020), delivered numerous of analyses and research on legal issues of post-conflict in transformative communities. Saeed’s previous experience includes having practiced law before the Constitution Court in Sudan; teaching public law, and supporting CSOs on developing training on peacebuilding, preventing and countering violent extremism in the Horn of Africa, women's political participation in the post-conflict environment.
His research interests include the constitution, democracy, restorative justice, transitional justice, human rights and conflict resolution.
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Initiatives in Sudan, International IDEA (Technical Paper 02 May 2024)
Options to Form a Transitional Government in Wartime in Sudan, International IDEA (Technical Paper 30, January 2023)
How the international community can help restore Sudan’s democracy, Atlantic Council, (30 January 2023)
Diversity Management in Sudan’s Democratic Transitional Arrangement, International IDEA (Technical Paper 1, January 2023).
The Juba Peace Agreement and the Sudanese Transition: Power Sharing or Democracy Building?, International IDEA, (Technical Paper 2, November 2022)
Sudan’s Constitutional Crisis: Dissecting the Coup Declaration, Just Security, (3 November 2021)
The Need for a Transitional Constitutional Framework for Post-al Bashir's Sudan, ConstitutionNet, (3 June 2019)
“UNAMID” Troops’ Obligation to Apprehend ICC Suspects in Darfur, Sudan Tribune, (11 February 2008)