Laura Millaray Mancilla Rubio
Laura Millaray Mancilla Rubio
Laura Millaray Mancilla Rubio is an Associate Programme Officer in the INTER PARES Project.
Mancilla joined INTER PARES in October 2020. Her responsibilities include the coordination of our flagship peer-to-peer partnerships between European Union Member State Parliaments and Partner Parliaments in the Latin American Region, as well as acting as the project’s gender focal point.
Mancilla experience includes working at the Ministry of Education in Chile as a legislative adviser on major educational reform legislation, and also at the Chilean Ministry of Interior in its programme for underdeveloped areas. She was the lead consultant for the INTER PARES’ Data Tracker on Parliaments’ responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic and contributed to International IDEA's Global Monitor in the dimension of Effective Parliament.
Mancilla is a lawyer and has a master's degree in Parliamentary Procedures and Legislative Drafting.
INTER PARES, funded by the European Union and running from January 2019 to December 2021, is International IDEA’s flagship project to enhance the capacities of parliaments as a cornerstone of effective representative democracy.