Elisabeth Baumgartner
Elisabeth Baumgartner
Elisabeth Baumgartner is a Senior Programme Manager and a key expert 1 at the Constitution-Building programme.
Baumgartner coordinates the Facility on Justice in Conflict and Transition which provides support in the areas of transitional justice, constitution-building to the European Union. Through its experts, the Justice Facility renders strategic and technical advice, helps jumpstart short-term projects, and facilitates the identification of longer-term programmes to be financed through other EU or Member State instruments.
She is a lawyer specialized in international criminal law and transitional justice. Before joining International IDEA she headed the Dealing with the Past programme at swisspeace. She holds an LL.M. in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, teaches international criminal law at the University of Lucerne and publishes regularly on transitional justice issues.
Previously, Elisabeth Baumgartner also worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross in Africa and South America, as a trial attorney for the Office of the Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, and as an attorney in Switzerland. She has worked extensively on transitional justice issues in a number of contexts both with civil society actors and state representatives, in particular, on enforced disappearance/missing persons, justice and accountability, truth-seeking, reintegration of child soldiers, as well as the development of transitional justice strategies.
Baumgartner, Elisabeth and Dr Lisa Ott, Determining the fate of missing persons: The importance of archives of dealing with the past mechanisms, forthcoming in International Review of the Red Cross, 2018; Huskamp Peterson, Trudy and Elisabeth Baumgartner, Mapping Archives for Dealing with the Past Processes. swisspeace Essential 2/2017. Download In English
Jones, Briony, Baumgartner Elisabeth, Teršelic Vesna, Refaeil Nora and Jonathan Sisson. Acquittal of Gotovina and Haradinaj. swisspeace Working Paper, 1|2014, January 2014, ISBN 978-3-908230-89-2. Download In English
Rubli, Sandra and Elisabeth Baumgartner. Gender and Dealing with the Past. swisspeace Essential 4|2016 (new edition). Download in Arabic / English
Baumgartner, Elisabeth, Hamber Brandon, Jones Briony, Kelly Gráinne and Ingrid Oliveira. Introduction: Documentation, Human Rights and Transitional Justice, in: Journal of Human Rights Practice, Vol. 8 (1): 1-5, 2016. Download In English
Elisabeth Baumgartner, Michael Cottier, Article 8 Paragraph 2(b)(iii): Attacks on humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping missions in international armed conflict, and Paragraph 2(b)(viii): Prohibited deportations and transfers in occupied territories, in Triffterer / Ambos (eds.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. A Commentary, 3rd edition, Beck, 2015. Download In English
Baumgartner, Elisabeth, Gabriel Sidonia and Briony Jones. A Transformative Approach to Dealing with the Past. swisspeace Essential 2|2015. Download In Arabic / English
Baumgartner, Elisabeth. Die Verfolgung von Völkerstraftaten in der Schweiz, in: Christoph Safferling and Stefan Kirsch (eds.). Völkerstrafrechtspolitik. Praxis des Völkerstrafrechts. Heidelberg: Springer, 2014, pp. 399- 431.
Baumgartner, Elisabeth. Aspects of victim participation in the proceedings of the International Criminal Court, International Review of the Red Cross, International Review of the Red Cross, No 870, 2008, p. 409-440. Download In English
Baumgartner, Elisabeth. Denying the prosecution of sexual violence in the Civil Defence Forces Case: impeachment of the Special Court for Sierra Leone mandate?, in: Access, 2008, p. 6.