Tom Rogers
Tom Rogers was appointed the Australian Electoral Commissioner in 2014, having previously filled roles as the Deputy Electoral Commissioner and the Australian Electoral Commission’s (AEC) state manager (and Australian Electoral Officer) for New South Wales.
As Commissioner, Rogers has led the agency to successfully deliver the 2016, 2019 and 2022 federal elections, numerous by-elections, and boundary redistributions (redistricting) in every Australian state and territory. Most recently, he has led the AEC to deliver the first referendum in nearly a quarter of a century.
Prior to the AEC, Rogers was the Executive Director at the Australian Institute of Police Management (AIPM), which is administered by the Australian Federal Police to deliver highly respected executive development programs for leaders and future leaders of Australasian police and other public safety organisations.
Previously, Rogers graduated from the Royal Military College (RMC) Duntroon in 1983 and served in the Australian Defence Force Academy, Senior Instructor in Leadership at RMC Duntroon, and Commander of a United Nations observer mission (Observer Group Golan-Tiberias).
After he left the Australian Army in 2000, Rogers worked for Raytheon Australia, as a senior project manager and led the team that delivered the Sydney Olympics’ major preparedness and readiness activity.