Gender and Inclusion


From our databases

Gender Quotas Database

The Global Database of Gender Quotas in parliaments worldwide.

Inclusion Portal

An online repository of global information featuring applicable provisions in national legal frameworks, including constitutions, political party laws, and electoral laws, regarding the inclusion of Women, Youth, Indigenous Peoples, People with Disabilities, and LGBTQ+ People.

iKNOW Politics

A joint project with the goal to increase the participation and effectiveness of women in political life.

When democracies face a loss of trust and global headwinds, they can only regain initiative by ensuring that all ethnicities, genders, and minority groups are included in political processes.

In 2025, International IDEA is focusing a global advocacy campaign on “Democracy for All”, promoting the political representation and democratic rights of historically excluded groups, 

The campaign will focus on the institute’s initiatives with women, LGBTQ+ people, youth, ethnicity and Indigenous Peoples, migrants, displaced persons, and persons with disabilities, especially in the Global South, leveraging our experience both in grassroots communities as well as expertise in research and data analytics. 

Click on the different labels and dots to learn about the Inclusion Portal and 
International IDEA's work in the areas noted below.

Inclusion Portal

Displaced Persons and Migrants
LGBTQ+ People
People with disabilities
Ethnicity and Indigenous Peoples

International IDEA is committed to tackling gender inequalities, marginalization and exclusion challenges that hinder gender equality and inclusion as prerequisites for protecting and rebuilding democracy and the fulfillment of the leave no one behind agenda. Through an intersectional eco-system approach on Access=Participation&Representation=Transformative (APRT) the work prioritises:

  • Producing global comparative knowledge resources/tools on tackling gender inequalities, marginalization and exclusion- Innovative resources to tackle the threats to gender equality, inclusion and democracy; 
  • Providing substantive technical advisory support to state and non-state stakeholders/partners at national, regional and global levels to strengthen legal and normative frameworks (both informal and formal) - Gender equality and inclusion as prerequisites for protecting and rebuilding democracy
  • Convening global, regional and national forums/platforms, networks to inspire the global agenda on institutionalizing gender equality and inclusion in democracy building across the world- Making democracy deliver

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Our experts

Rumbidzai Kandawasvika-Nhundu
Principal Adviser, Democracy and Inclusion

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