Youth Democracy Academy
YDA is designed to ensure that young people, too often marginalized from political processes, are equipped with knowledge and skills to participate.
International IDEA's Youth Democracy Academy (YDA) is designed to ensure that young women and men, too often marginalized from political processes, are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively participate in, and contribute to, the consolidation and strengthening of their democracies.
The Youth Democracy Academy consists of 12 modules that are delivered in a series of workshops. Each module is broken down according to five substantive sections.
- Introduction to Democracy & Skills Development
- Constitutions
- Elections
- Political Parties
- Parliaments
- Public Administration Reform
- Local Governance
- Access to Justice
- Engaged Citizens (Media, Access to Information and Civic Education)
- Civil Society
- Working in Democratic Governance
- Learning Assessment
Module sessions
- Overview - Provides technical information on the subject including key definitions and concepts that are used and built on throughout the duration of the modules. Although heavy in technical information, the session uses various methodologies to ensure it also remains participatory.
- Comparative experiences - To allow participants to better analyse their democratic realities, this session ensures that various perspectives and experiences are brought in to the curriculum. This can include resource persons who provide comparative analysis from the region and beyond and/or analysis of national, regional and international models and experiences. The session will concentrate on emerging issues within the topic at hand.
- Case studies - To ensure that the curriculum maintains a global perspective case studies are offered in the form of guest speakers, written samples or videos in order for participants to have access to comparative examples from around the world.
- Cross-cutting themes - Delves into transversal questions surrounding human rights, gender, diversity, inclusion, accountability and others in order to allow participants the space to examine the subject at hand through different lenses. It further offers the participants the space to tackle these transversal questions as they link to the module.
- Applied learning - As skills-building forms an integral part of the curriculum as a whole, this session serves as the culmination of the modules because it allows participants to practice their new knowledge and skills through a variety of practical exercises including debates, simulations and other.
For more information on the Youth Democracy Academy, please contact:
YDA Scholars Speak
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